Marisol Nichols and Colin Wayne in Huntsville, Alabama (October of 2021)
Did you know that every 30 seconds a child is sold for sex, labor or organ harvesting? Human Trafficking is one of the fasted growing criminal enterprises in the world and believe it or not, there are over 40.3 million people trapped by it today. That is why Hollywood actress
Marisol Nichols (CW’s Riverdale) and decorated US Army Veteran Colin Wayne partnered together to create OPERATION ERADICATE alongside Wayne’s company Redline Steel and Nichols’ non-profit, ‘A Slavery Free World’.
“With knowledge comes power. We are here to spread awareness and to form strategic partnerships with other like-minded organizations so that together we can tackle the many facets of this issue and eradicate it,” says Nichols to Broadway World.
Wayne tells Broadway World exclusively, “This partnership was specifically formed to help make a difference and to mobilize people to stand together to put an end to this. The biggest problem is that most people don’t even know it occurs. The only way for this to stop is if we do something and put People Over Profit.”
Published Article – Broadway World