Trending News

16 Female Athletes Sue NCAA Over Trans Competitors

Sixteen female college athletes reportedly are suing the National Collegiate Athletics Association for letting transgender athletes compete against them and use their locker rooms.

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Trending News

Changes to Walmart may soon limit who can use self-checkouts (Subscribers Only)

Senior Management of Corporate Communications at Walmart told TODAY that customers may see changes to self-checkout lanes. Kelsey Bohl, senior manager of corporate communications at Walmart, customers at certain Walmart locations may indeed notice changes to self-checkout lanes. “From time to time, our stores adjust the use of staffed checkouts and self-checkouts. For example, a store […]

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Email Marketing

All things BIMI email records! The Worlds Best Kept Secret

Explore the benefits of implementing BIMI records to increase email engagement, enhance brand visibility, and mitigate the risk of phishing attacks by ensuring message authenticity and sender legitimacy

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Email Marketing

What is an SPF record? — Email marketing by Colin Wayne

Uncover the power of SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records in email authentication. Learn how SPF enhances email deliverability by specifying authorized email servers for sending messages, reducing the likelihood of emails being marked as spam or rejected. Explore the benefits of implementing SPF records to protect your domain reputation, improve email delivery rates, and fortify your organization’s email security against phishing and spoofing threats

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Email Marketing

What is a DKIM Record? — Email Marketing by Colin Wayne

Discover the significance of DKIM records in email authentication. Learn how DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) enhances email security by verifying the authenticity of sender domains, preventing email spoofing, and ensuring message integrity. Explore the benefits of implementing DKIM records for your organization’s email infrastructure to boost deliverability, build trust with recipients, and safeguard against phishing attacks.

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Email Marketing

7 Tips for Email Subject Lines

In this article we will discuss 7 tips focused on email subject lines to increase open rates. Since the emergence of the first major commercial Internet service providers in the early 1990s, email marketing has become one of the most effective and rapid methods of communication. Although a number of other effective direct communication channels […]

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Email Marketing

What is a DMARC record? — Email Marketing by Colin Wayne

Discover the significance of DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) records in email security. Learn how DMARC enhances email authentication by providing domain owners with visibility and control over email sending practices, reducing the risk of email spoofing and phishing attacks. Explore the benefits of implementing DMARC records to enforce email authentication policies, monitor email traffic, and safeguard your organization’s reputation and brand integrity

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Mastering the Clock: Effective Time Management Strategies for Entrepreneurs

Time Management: It’s a challenge to find balance as an entrepreneur with personal time and business, as it pertains to a balance of equal time spent between your personal time and the time spent within your business (especially early-stage startups) it can be nearly impossible from my experience. My advice is to create a structured schedule with blocks of time allocated to aspects of your business and add personal time within your calendar that shouldn’t be interrupted unless there is an emergency

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Featured Article

Exclusive: Riverdale Actress Marisol Nichols Joins Army Veteran For Operation Eradicate

Hollywood actress Marisol Nichols (CW’s Riverdale) and decorated US Army Veteran Colin Wayne partnered together to create OPERATION ERADICATE alongside Wayne’s company Redline Steel and Nichols’ non-profit, ‘A Slavery Free World’.

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The Art of Value Exchange

Mastering the art of value exchange can be a game-changer in your quest for media coverage, features in top publications, and personal brand recognition. Remember, the key lies in providing a win-win solution where you offer significant value to the publication while positioning yourself as an asset without expecting a financial return. If you embrace the value exchange philosophy, you will surely unlock new opportunities, expand your reach, and solidify your personal brand’s reputation within the industry.

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